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Greenhouse setup
Posted by mikeymike on November 20, 2023 at 7:00 amHi everyone, I’ve just got a nice new greenhouse 8×6 and need some staging and shelves, I was wondering if anyone would like to share some ideas and maybe pics on what they have. Craig, you’re greenhouse seems a lot bigger than it is from your videos, maybe you could do a short video showing us your greenhouse furniture. Thanks everyone Mike
Craig A replied 1 year, 1 month ago 5 Members · 9 Replies -
9 Replies
Hi @mikeymike , your greenhouse is exactly the same size as mine 😁 I’ll start planning a video tour for you. Some quick tips would be:
– Go vertical to maximise shelf space.
– Don’t be afraid of having plants on the floor.
– Insulate your greenhouse with bubble wrap before you fill it up, it’s much easier (I learned the hard way 😂)
I hope that helps?
hi Craig, looking at your greenhouse video’s, i see you are using some kind of green bin/container for potting your plants. I’m looking for something similair on the internet but not able to find one similair to yours. can you tell me were you got it or maybe a proper keyword to search the internet? Not sure if it is designed for gardening in the first place as i can’t find anythin like it.
Thanks Craig enjoyed the tour.
My Brugmansia x cubensis ‘Charles Grimaldi’ will next summer be in its 3rd year, I grew in a 40 litre pot last year and feed one per week and watered twice a week it grew to 8 foot plus a bit. Flowered its socks off even had to cut it back to winterise it whilst still flowering and it re-flowered in the garage until last week. It’s now in a 70 litre pot ready for next year, hopefully that will stop the wind blowing it over. Anyway it also has a very strong evening perfume.
I am new to the group,so a simple question you mentioned the online shop will that be accessible through the webpage?
Many thanks
Great video craig. Just what I was hoping for and thanks for the unexpected mention at the end, made me chuckle……Always look forward to your videos. Have a great Christmas🍻
Bonjour, je suis nouvelle ici! Je vous présente ma petite serre du Québec. Évidemment, je ne peux pas m’en servir pendant décembre, janvier, février, mars et …je ne devrais pas, au mois d’avril. 🥲J’aimerais peut-être faire l’acquisition de plastique à bulles. Ça pourrait être un apport très positif pour la culture de mes semis du mois printemps. Si je comprends bien, vous conserver le plastique à bulles pendant les journées chaudes de l’été? C’est probablement efficace pour les plantes tropicales qui n’aiment pas trop le soleil intense? C’est une très bonne idée! Ce site semble très intéressant, il est dommage que le Québec n’est pas de section adapté pour nos conditions de culture. 😉 Bonne année à tous!
Welcome! It’s great to see that even in such cold conditions you are finding a way to enjoy growing plants. I look forward to seeing more pictures in Spring and summer 😀
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