Advice in planting a border facing north
Hi there,
I stumbled upon this forum through Craig his youtube channel. I am living in the Netherlands, right across the pond.
Now I have bought a house last October and have been researching starting a tropical garden since last februari. Most of the plants for the garden are already planted or on order. Yet there is still one border that I struggle with. This border is facing north and has a wooden shed behind it, this means that every plant shorter then 1.80/1.90 will never get sun trough out the season.
I have found quite some plants for the lower layers of the border but struggle to find good canopy plant’s. Ive planted out two fatsia japonica (spidersweb), but since the border is 3,5 m in length i am going to need some extra species.
I am hoping some of you could help me out with researching some canopy species I could use on this spot, and maybe also some mid level plants.
The help would be greatly appreciated. English is not my first language so I apologise for any mistakes I’ve made so far and will make in the future.
Kind regards,
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