Chilopsis Linearis (Desert Willow)
Hello all!
We have been busy putting together our exotic / jungle part of our garden over the Summer with a lot of experimental plants (Ill do a seperate post on that!)
However, has anyone tried to grow a Chilopsis Linearis, also known as the Desert Willow. It seems to be a relatively new introduction to the UK, apparently relatively hardy too. We have a Chitalpa Tashkentensis in our jungle already, which has similar flowers but different leaves and is a cross between Chilopsis and Catalpa.
We have two saplings of Chilopsis which are doing well, albeit they are in pots and come in for the winter to strengthen them up. We have also bought a large plant, which has come from Tuscany, which we aim to plant outdoors in around March time next year.
Just wondered if anyone else had given it a go? Its a fabulous looking small tree
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